Pediatric and Adult Neuropsychological Evaluations
Dr. Sullivan is an expert in evaluating clients who have incurred brain injuries, including those caused by motor vehicle crashes, industrial accidents, medical procedures, and strokes.
Birth Trauma. Dr. Sullivan was a member of the team that evaluated children born at high risk at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. He has evaluated hundreds of children who have experienced traumatic births. Many of these children have cerebral palsy caused by hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy or mechanical birth trauma, such as that caused by high forceps deliveries.
Malingering. Detection of a client's exaggeration of their injury is critically important in personal injury and criminal cases. When conducting forensic evaluations, Dr. Sullivan always assesses for malingering.
Criminal Cases. Starting with his experience at Yale University, Dr. Sullivan has participated in several criminal cases. In these cases he was asked to determine the defendant's competence to stand trial, the impact of trauma on the victim, or the impact of prior brain injury on the defendant's actions.
Emotional Trauma. Dr. Sullivan has wide experience in evaluating patients who have emotional or behavioral difficulties subsequent to traumatic events. These events include sexual abuse, death or injury of a loved one, and non-neurologic injuries.
The linchpin of the medical evidence will be the testimony of the neuropsychologist.”
—Kenneth I. Kolpan, Attorney-at-Law